What is CSS and Its Advantages? In the previous article, I have written about how to manage custom CSS properly. It is important to you if you are always playing with CSS on your website to make it more manageable. Now, I will share with you what is CSS and its advantages.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, is a simple code language to make your web design look more attractive and presentable. Without CSS, maybe your web design look poor and messy.
Nowadays, every WordPress theme design comes with custom CSS section to give you more control on your web style. Anything you wish to change style, you can write CSS code and implement into custom CSS section. For example, with CSS you can change font size, background color, element position on your website and more.
Little History Of CSS
CSS introduced by Hakon Wium Lie on October 10, 1994
Advantages of CSS
Minimum Load Times – You no need to write additional code to change your site. No extra code means it loads faster. Just write a single CSS command where it more simple.
Manageable – It so easy to manage.
Compatible Browser – Support all latest browsers as well.
Global Change – CSS can change specific element in your website to use for every page in your website.
Save Time – Just write CSS once, and you can reuse the same sheet in multiple HTML pages as many as you want.
Where Can You Learn CSS?
There are many online tutorials for you to learn CSS.
For me, the best place to learn CSS is from W3Schools. You can learn there about CSS. They will explain you more about CSS and they also have a special room for you to test your CSS skill.
In this article, you have learned about what CSS is. Not too much but I just want to introduce new bloggers to CSS because I believe all bloggers will playing CSS and apply it to their site.