What are the Difference Between Managed and Unmanaged Hosting

by | Last updated Dec 23, 2024 | Published on Dec 23, 2024 | Compare & Review | 1 comment

What is the Difference Between Managed and Unmanaged Hosting? | Choosing the right hosting is very important if you want to succeed with your project. During you do some research to choose the best hosting, you might have heard about managed and unmanaged hosting. Right?

Sometimes, we cannot determine which one is the best. Managed or Unmanaged Hosting? Are you still wondering what it is?

In this tutorial, we are trying to give you an explanation about managed hosting and unmanaged hosting.

What is the Difference Between Managed and Unmanaged Hosting

Here are the differences

Managed Hosting

In simple language, managed hosting is a hosting fully managed by your hosting provider. They will take care of your server problem and fix it on the spot. If you want to install something on your server, just contact your hosting provider to get help.

Yes, if you choose managed hosting, they will help you 100% to install it without a doubt.

Sometimes, we might be heard about semi-managed hosting. It is mean, they just help you about core technical problem like server down, fix server and others. If you want to install something on your server, you need to do it by yourself.

For whom managed hosting?

Managed hosting is for beginner and starter.

So, are you precisely understand what is managed hosting?

The best managed hosting you should consider to choose are:

  1. FastComet
  2. Bluehost
  3. Siteground

Unmanaged Hosting

Unmanaged hosting is vice versa from the explanation of managed hosting. Everything you need to do by yourself. You need to have more experience to handle it. If you want to install something on your server, you should do it by yourself without any help from hosting provider.

If you expert in using cPanel and technical on it, yes, unmanaged hosting is the best choice for you because you can save more money.

For whom unmanaged hosting?

For expert and developer website.

The best unmanaged hosting you should consider to choose are:

  1. Digital Ocean
  2. LiquidWeb


In this article, you have learned what is the difference between managed and unmanaged hosting. Look at your skill and time management. Unmanaged hosting will give you low cost, but your time maybe to spend a lot if something problem happen. Managed hosting more expensive but you will time more efficient.

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