Top Five Best Web Hosting | On the previous article, I have shared with you the stuff you need to consider during choose web hosting. Now I want to share with you top five best web hosting that I have tried it before this.
Ok, this does not joke. I have spent about five figure to try which one is the best hosting. Among of them, I have made a short list only five web hostings which are the best.
When we talk about the best web hosting, there are three things you must consider:
- Support
- Uptime
- Features
Let’s begin
Top Five Best Web Hostings
Here are listed the top five best web hostings
Top #5 – Bluehost
One of the oldest web hosts started in 1996, Bluehost has become the largest brand name when it comes to WordPress hosting. They are an official ‘WordPress’ recommended hosting provider.
With Bluehost, you never have to worry about your website being slow even when there is a lot of traffic. Their 24/7 expert support is always there to help when you need it by phone, email, or live chat. They are rated #1 in web hosting for small businesses. Free Domain, Free SSL, and a free Site Builder with templates.
Fast reply support but slow in resolve problem.
Top #4 – HostGator
HostGator hosts over 8 million domains (and still counting) and is one of the most popular web hosts in the industry.
They provide, 99.9% uptime guarantee, and 24/7 support, it’s a smart choice for every website owner. We consider them the best web hosting for businesses.
If you subscribe for monthly, their pricing is very expensive. If you subscribe their plans for three years, their rate for monthly become very cheap.
Top #3 – SiteGround
SiteGround is one of the most popular and highest rated hosting provider in the WordPress community. They are offering location-specific hosting with 3 data centers in USA, Europe, and Asia.
SiteGround is very dedicated to their support. What I can tell you is, they are the top #1 in-service support. Your problem can resolve in just a couple of minutes. Their server is high-speed and secure.
Very expensive and premium web hosting. I recommend you to choose this web hosting company if you have more budget.
Top #2 – InMotion Hosting
InMotion hosting has been a well-known industry brand with reliable performance for business class hosting. With award-winning technical support and 99.9% uptime, they are a user favourite. Their server located in west and east of US.
InMotion Hosting’s WordPress Hosting is optimized for active bloggers and offers excellent scalability for your blog’s growth. Now comes with Free SSL!
Everything is good! But email is always going to the SPAM box. Their server is very strict with email. If you want to build membership site using Inmotion, I do not recommend it.
Top #1 – Fastcomet
FastComet has been in the web hosting business for more than seven years. They have seven server location are Chicago, Dallas, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Singapore and Tokyo.
For me, FastComet is the best hosting for now because they provide the great support, great uptime and great features. About their pricing, it more valuable compare to Bluehost, Hostgator, Siteground and Inmotion Hosting. They also offer a free domain dan free SSL. This is excellent features for beginner to start their website.
What have you learned from this article? I just share about my experience with these hosting, and I recommend you to use FastComet because it is a great and complete web hosting. But you can choose any web hosting providers above because they are also excellent.