How to Install WordPress Multisite Network (Two Easy Methods)

by | Last updated Dec 23, 2024 | Published on Dec 23, 2024 | WP Tutorial | 0 comments

Are you trying to install WordPress Multisite Network? Before you install WordPress multisite, you should know who really needs a WordPress multisite network. If you know, you can determine whether it is suitable or not suitable for you.

WordPress multisite network usually used by those who have multi-network to connect each other such as school, membership site, company, and much more where is it need to run a separate website but manage under one dashboard only.

wordpress multisite network

That is the use of WordPress multisite network.

If that what you want, so you can continue your intention.

How to Install WordPress Multisite Network

In this tutorial, I will show you how you can install WordPress multisite networks in two methods. The first method is install using softaculous in your cPanel and the second method is manually WordPress installation for those who have not softaculous features in their hosting.

Method 1: Install WordPress Multisite Network Using Softaculous

Step 1: Login cPanel

Firstly, please log in to your cPanel. If you do not know how to log in to cPanel, please refer to our guide on how to log in cPanel.

Step 2: Open WordPress Application

When logging in, scroll down, and find the Software section. Here, you will see the app WordPress or folder for Softaculous Apps Installer. Choosing one. Once it directly shows the WordPress app, I just choose it.

wordpress multisite network

Step 3: Click Install

Then, click Install and you will be brought directly to installation page.

Step 4: Complete All Settings

Here, you need to fill all the necessary columns for the installation process. To make it easier for you to follow this tutorial, I will separate it part by part.

wordpress multisite network

In this part, just choose which WordPress version you want to Install. If you want to install WordPress multisite network, I recommend installing a version of the previous latest version.

For example, during I install this WordPress, the latest version is 5.5.3 and the previous one is 5.4.4. So here I will choose version 5.4.4 because it is more stable for WordPress multisite network.

Then choose your URL protocol whether you want to enable https, www, and so on. My recommendation is to choose “https://www” because this URL is neutral for the web.

wordpress multisite network

In this part, give the name and description of your website and the most important things in this tutorial is you must Enable Multisite (WPMU). Just click tick on it.

wordpress multisite network

On this part, dertermine your username, password and email. Just put it.

Then Choose your language.

Last but not least, on the Select plugin section it is optional and I recommend you not to disturb. For advance options, I do not recommend you edit anything here except you know what you do it. Then, when you satisfied with your settings, just click on the Install button.

Now, your WordPress multisite network should has successfully been created.

Method 2: Install WordPress Multisite Network Manually

If you already have common WordPress installed in your hosting, you no need to revert or reinstall it. You just need to make some adjustments in your wp-config.php file to install it as WordPress Multisite Network.

So, lets we continue.

Step 1: Install WordPress Single Site

Firstly you need to install a common WordPress (WP single site). Cause this is a manual method, you need to install WordPress manually first on your hosting.

Step 2: Log in FTP

When you are done install WordPress, now you need to log in to your cPanel or FTP to access the wp-config.php file. Please refer to our guide on how to login cPanel and how to log in to FTP.

But, I prefer you to login using cPanel because your work makes it more simple. If you do not have cPanel, continue to use FTP because the next step is the same

Step 3: Go to WP Core File

Next, in cPanel go to WordPress core file installed. Usually, you may navigate to Files » File Manager » public_html » your WordPress core file.

Step 4: Then, search wp-config.php and click edit open it like shown in the picture below.

Step 5: Copy & Paste the Code

What you need to do now is copy the code below and paste it before the line /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */

/* Multisite */
define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );

Then click save changes to save what you have edited.

Now you have successfully enabled your WordPress site to the multisite network. What you must to do on the next step is setting up WordPress Multisite Network.

Step 6: Deactivate all Plugins

In the WordPress dashboard, navigate to Plugins » Installed Plugins and deactivate all your plugins here.

Step 7: Choose URL Structure

Then, still in WordPress dashboard, navigate to Tools » Network Setup.

Here you need to determine what the URL structure you want to setup wheater you want using Sub-domains or Sub-directories.

For example sub-domains and sub-directories you need to refer the picture below.

Next, insert network title and network admin email.

If you statisfy with your settings, click install to continue.

Step 8: Edit On WP-config and .Htaccess File

WordPress will now show you some code you need to edit. If you can see here, there are two parts. Part 1 you need to edit in wp-config.php and in part 2 you need to edit in .htaccess file.

They already give you instruction here. So, just follow it.

Once you complete these steps, your network is enabled and configured. You will have to log in again.


In this tutorial, you have learn how to install WordPress multisite network on your hosting in two ways. If you have any questions, just drop me a comment below. I will reply as soon as possible.


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